Change of Registered Office

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Overview of Registered Office Change

The registered office of the company may be shifted from one place to another by following the procedure as prescribed in the Companies Act and Rules made thereunder. However, the process and documentation are dependent on the nature of change. There are four scenarios which are possible while dealing with the change of the registered address of the company. However, the change in the registered address of the company in the same city is more common and also easy to do.

• Change within local Limits of City.

• One city to Another within Same ROC

• From Jurisdiction of One ROC to another ROC

• From one State to another State.

Procedure for Change of Registered Office

Change within local Limits of City.
The below-mentioned procedure is followed,

• A Board meeting is conducted and a decision is made on the same
• A Board meeting is conducted and a decision is made on the same.

One city to Another within Same ROC
The below-mentioned procedure is followed

• A board meeting is conducted in which the date, day, time and venue of the Extra Ordinary General meeting is fixed.
• A decision regarding the change in office address is passed in the Extra-Ordinary General meeting.
• With the Registrar of Companies Form MGT-14 is filed within 30 days from the date of passing the resolution.

From Jurisdiction of One ROC to another ROC
The below-mentioned procedure is followed

• A board meeting is conducted in which the date, day, time and venue of the Extra Ordinary General meeting is fixed.
• In the Extra Ordinary General meeting a special decision is made for the alteration of MOA and the shifting of the Registered Office.
• Publish an advertisement both in an English newspaper and another in Vernacular newspaper mention the updated address of the company’s registered office.
• Form MGT-14 is filed with the ROC of the companies within 30 days from the date of coming to a conclusion
A certified copy of the Extra Ordinary General Meeting’s decision.

Basic Documents for Change of Registered Office

Change of registered office within the city

• Companies relocating the RO within the local limits of the city or town can do so without the permission of the shareholder or any other authority.
• However, they must notify the change to the registrar within the prescribed number of days in e-form INC-22, along with other relevant documents and fee.

Change of registered office between two cities within the same state:

• Companies shifting the RO outside city limits but within the same state must take approval from shareholders by way of passing special resolutions
• No other permission or change in the MoA is needed.

For shifting the RO to another state

• List of directors of the company;
• List of shareholders of the company;
• List of creditors duly certified by the auditors of the company
• Copy of public notice published
• Copy of certificate of incorporation, MoA, and AoA
• Latest audited financial statement of the company
• Rent agreement in the name of the company for the new proposed address
• Utility bill as proof of premises and a no objection certificate (NOC) from the owner of premises
• The bills should not be more than two months old.


All Inclusive Fees

Change of Registered Office within the Same City


All Inclusive Fees

Change of Registered Office within the Same State.


All Inclusive Fees

Change of Registered Office From One State to another State

Benefits of Intimation of Change in Registered Office Address to ROC


If the company is an established business; it requires maintaining its reputation with the public. If the company intimates the respective stakeholders, then its reputation would not be affected. The company can continue to carry out business operations

Law Compliant

As per section 12 of the Companies Act, 2013 every company is required to have a registered office to conduct business. In order to follow compliance an office must carry out the formalities related to change of registered office of the business


One of the main reasons for intimation regarding the change of office is to inform all the stakeholders regarding the change to make a proper communication with them in future

Maintaining Book Keeping

It is very necessary for the company to tell ROC about change of its registered office place because books are need to be maintained at registered office

Domicile Identification

Determination of domicile of a company for law-enforcing authorities and general public

Court jurisdiction

It is necessary to intimate the registrar about the change of registered address so that at the time of legal dispute court should come to know about the company jurisdiction

Pawan Aggarwal
Project manager at Serco ltd

Shares of a company are movable property and thus can be transferred like any other property. A public company can freely transfer its shares, but there are some restrictions.

Kartik singh verma
Manager at wingsolutions ltd

The goods and services tax (GST) is a value-added tax levied on most goods and services sold for domestic consumption. The GST is paid by consumers, but it is remitted.