PF/ESI Registration

Get your PF/ESI Registration from anywhere in India

4,999/- (All Inclusive)

Process of Registration by Taxhub

Upload the basic Documents

Choose your Requisite plan and pay the Fees

Taxhub will file an application for PF/ESI Registration

Taxhub will upload the requisite documents

Get your PF/ESI Registration

What is a PF/ESI?

EPF stands for Employee Provident Fund, a scheme governed and regulated by a body named Employee’s Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) constituted under Employee’s Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions, Act 1952.

ESI stands for Employee State Insurance managed by the Employee State Insurance Corporation which is an autonomous body created by the law under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.

EPFO is the largest social security organization with a large volume of financial transactions taking place. EPF is the benefits availed to the employee on their retirement in the form of Provident Fund.

Employee’s state insurance is an important measures of social security and health insurance in this country. The E.S.I act passed in 1948. ESI provides for certain cash and medical benefits to industrial employees in case of maternity, sickness and employment injury.

Who is required to take PF/ESI Registration

EPF registration applies to the following establishments:

• Establishment employing 20 or more employees during any time in the previous year.

• Factory engaged in any industry having 20 or more employees during any time of the year.

• Central Government, after giving two months’ notice to the certain establishment for compulsory registration irrespective of their employees. Such an establishment shall get themselves registered immediately upon the receipt of the notice.

If in any organization ten or more employees at any time during the previous year shall mandatory get ESIC Registration. But insurance is deducted for only those employees earning monthly income up to INR 21000 (Basic wages + Dearness Allowance). In a few states, the coverage of ESIC applicability limited to a minimum employee is 20 or more.

Basic Documents Required

Documents of Employer (Proprietor/Partner/Director/Society/Trust)
  • Copy of Pan Card (As Identity Proof)
  • Copy of any License in the name of company (Like GST Registration)
  • Copy of Partnership Deed/MOA& AOA/MOA & Bye Laws/Trust Deed
  • Copy of Certificate of Incorporation
  • Details of Employees with their Salary Breakup
  • Copy of Address Proof of office (i.e. Electricity Bill/Rent Agreement)
  • List of Partners / Directors / Members.
  • Mobile Number and Email ID for OTP.
  • Cancel Cheque of Bank Account of Company
Documents for Employees
  • Name of Employee
  • Father’s Name
  • Date of Joining
  • Date of birth
  • Mobile Number
  • Address of Employee
  • Nominee Name
  • Grade
  • Salary
  • Designation
  • Copy of PAN Card of Employee
  • Copy of Aadhar Card of Employee.

All Inclusive Fees

PF/ESI Registration(For Less than 30 Employees)


All Inclusive Fees

PF/ESI Registration(For Less than 40 Employees)


All Inclusive Fees

PF/ESI Registration(For more than 40 Employees)

Benefits of PF/ESI Registration in India

Financial Support

Provident fund acts as financial support at the time of retirement, illness, demise, disability or any similar risk occurred to the employee.

Employer Contribution

The employer contributes some proportion to the EPF fund along with the employee. The employer also adds his contribution that is inclusive of the employee pension scheme (EPS).

Pension Provision

A PF account holder is eligible for pension after 58 years as well. However, to become eligible for the pension, there has to be a minimum of 15 years of regular monthly PF contribution in one's PF account. The pension benefit comes from the employer's contribution as 8.33 percent of its contribution (out of 12 percent) goes to the EPS account of the PF account holder.

Medical Benefits

Medical benefits are provided to the insured person along with his family members. Full medical care is provided to all persons registered under ESI and their family members – from the day the person enters insurable employment. There is no ceiling on expenditure on the treatment of an Insured Person or his family member. Medical care is also provided to retired and permanently disabled insured persons and their spouses on payment of a token annual premium of Rs.120/-.

Maternity Benefits

This benefit is designed for Pregnant women to whom the benefits are payable up to 26 weeks. Maternity benefit for confinement/pregnancy is provided for three months, which is extendable by further one month on medical advice at the rate of full wage subject to contribution for 70 days in the preceding year.

Permanent Disablement

In case there is any permanent disablement to the insured person, 90% of his salary is provided as a monthly payment in the form of insurance benefit.

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